Tactrix OBDII Logging

Did you know you can track your turbo Colt’s performance and diagnostics via Tactrix OBDII logging?
Things needed:
- Tactrix Openport 2.0
- Micro SD card (must be formatted to FAT32!)
- logcfg.txt file
Download my sample logcfg.txt from here (right click, Save As), then copy it to your Micro SD card. That’s pretty much it! If done correctly your Tactrix device will now log to CSV files on the Micro SD card. These can then be checked out in a spreadsheet program, or via Evoscan.
More advanced users may want to edit which MUT requests are being logged, you can do this by editing the logcfg.txt file with a text editor like notepad. Also, note that not all of the MUT requests in this logcfg.txt will be correct. They key ones are though (rpms, ecuload, throttle is ok but inverted, speed, wgdc, ignition timing, fuel trims, knocksum etc). I’ve used this logfile to help tune my AUDM 2006 Ralliart Colt, but it should work for the JDM variants as well as the Euro CZT & Ralliarts..
Hope this helps you get Tactrix OBDII Logging going on your turbo colt! Oh and if you try this on a CZT/CZC or EUDM Ralliart Colt – let me know how it goes!
I have EDM MY2006 Colt CZT and K-line logging won’t work for it.
The car wiring harness simply has no wire between ECU pin 121 and OBD port.
But it will work on the bench.
Ah! Thanks for the correction Rcus
Im trying to log to a micro sd card. It logs it to the card fine but im struggling to view it correctly in excel. I think i may need to setup excel differently to display it correctly?
Hi Deren, I’ve sent you an email – shoot me what it’s giving you and I’ll check it out